Waiting, it is the waiting
It is the waiting for things that we have no control over
It is the putting all that we can into something and then the waiting to see or hear its fate
It is the waiting for a call or email from the job that called you in for a second interview the day after your first and finished with a “we’ll be back in touch soon”
Soon is such a vague term…
En un ratito is a Spanish phrase that can mean; in a little while, or later, or a “nice” way of not actually saying no.
It is the waiting once you have submitted a piece of writing to see if it will be accepted or rejected
Hanging hope tied up in the waiting
It is the co-creation where you have done your piece and then hand it off to the next and wonder what will become of all you have done
It is the waiting
Patience is a funny thing because it asks what we are willing to wait for. Sometimes we cannot keep waiting and we must move on to the next thing, the next poem, the next story, the next job, the next project, the next creation, the next relationship…
It is the pouring out of one’s heart into a handwritten letter, carefully sealing and posting it, and then waiting
It is the waiting.
It is the waiting and the wondering if it was received? How it made them feel? If they will write back?
It is the waiting
It is the waiting
It is the waiting