The Wisdom of the Witch, the Goddess, and the Woman
the moon glows on her hands
as it has glowed on the hands
of the women in her family before
her their skin shinning
nearly translucent in the moonlight
as they form the sacred circle to chant
peaceful prayer of the goddess
to the world
hoping to reach the lonely
who most need to hear
the whispering comfort of a stranger
I see you
you are not alone
patience child, this too shall pass
but you must feel the truth of your circumstance
actually feel the truth of it
before you can respond in a way
that makes for the change you want
don’t be scared of who you really are
there is a home for you too
a community of other unique
sacred beings
who will see you and know you
once you are to be willing to be seen
it takes great vulnerability to find home in yourself

© Ashley Gravett, 2017