Tedra the Time Traveler
Whenever I fly I am reminded of my grandmother
telling me that she could travel through time
she said that every time she got on a plane and went somewhere different
she time traveled
she could go forward in time
and then backward to where she started
I had always wanted to know if she could go more than a few hours at a time
time was always something important to her
I don’t even remember how many clocks she had in her house,
she had them set a few seconds apart
so that one could hear each unique chime on the hour
crazy making to most, comforting to her
she awed at the way we manipulate time
the false sense of control we humans assume to have over things
how can time wait for no one and simultaneously stand still?
even a broken clock is right twice a day
she always believed that she could time travel
and I believe her every time she visits me in my dreams