Message Received
From the Past or Beyond
There has been some debate as to when I was born. Not the day, that has always been clear, but people’s memory of that day has always been less than reliable. Different people say it was different times; one grandmother told me she thought it was the afternoon, and one aunt said she thought it was morning, someone else said they were sure it was night because it was dark.
A few years ago, my aunt was talking about doing an astrological reading, and thought I would enjoy it too, but the time of birth needs to be known for an accurate reading. It was then that I discovered that my birth certificate is not the original, but a certified copy that was issued five years later. The date is listed, but no time. Perhaps, that is just not something that is standard in the state in which I was born.
This evening I was getting out a few Christmas decorations. I have ornaments that I rarely get out because for the last 5 years I have lived in small apartments and don’t have room for a tree. I noticed this bag that has a few Christmas ornaments in it; my grandmother used to write our names and the year on the ornaments that she got for us. I know I have seen this bag before, but I don’t remember ever seeing the writing on the it. Yet, there it is, in her handwriting, and with a smiley face that she would draw so often in her cards and notes. “Ashley was born at 7:48 pm! :)” Seeing it made me smile. I have no idea if this writing was on this bag the whole time. Probably, but it felt like getting a message from her. She died in 2012, and I have had this bag of ornaments since about a year before that. It lives in a box within a box of Christmas things that I take out once a year. This is the first time I remember seeing the writing and I am enjoying the warmth I feel reading it tonight.