Daylight Savings Time Rant
Why do we feel the need to attempt to control time?
Each year we take away an hour for daylight savings time. We are not saving daylight though, daylight does not need to be saved. Why can’t we just leave it alone?!? It is light when it is light and it is dark when it is dark. It changes naturally based on the season we are in thanks to the tilt of the Earth. Who are we to try to decide between what hours the daylight falls?
And then each Fall we change it back. We “give” an extra hour to change the time of the light. It is something we take away and give back each year. This is such a strange old practice that causes more harm than good in modern times. Yet we keep with this archaic system because that is just how it is. That is just how it is, is a phrase a parent might say to a young child and a dangerous mentality that too many people fall into. It’s a trap. Things are not just how they are, people create systems and have created the systems that we live in now.
It seems more like the illusion of control rather than actual control. We have to feel like we are in control of something as vast as time. Humans are silly with how serious we take ourselves so often.
When are we going to get on to more important time related things, like time travel?