31 Things I Know (or Need to Remind Myself of) on My 31st Birthday
2 min readAug 29, 2017

- Things that you really want to do are worth doing alone.
- You do not have to shave your armpits to prove you are a woman.
- Writing is my greatest expression. It is how I process the world, and still there are times I don’t have words.
- Feelings and emotions are not weaknesses.
- The ocean is healing.
- Travel. Everywhere and every chance you get.
- Even a mundane chore can be turned into an adventure if you are open to seeing the possibility in it.
- I enjoy coffee with half and half, no shame.
- Always drink more water. No matter how much water you have had, drink some more.
- Partnerships are complicated. They take tending, continual self-evaluation and work for both individuals and then together in the relationship.
- People grow apart, for so many reasons. Grieve the loss of a partner, friend, family member, etc., but know when to let go.
- Boundaries are healthy and challenging to maintain. They change with, and are part of growth.
- Rainbows are magical.
- Sleep is underrated, but some things are worth being tired for.
- Ask for help, you don’t know what will happen until you ask.
- Dance whenever and wherever you want.
- Your awkward is someone else’s normal. Embrace it and perhaps even find some like-minded lovelies.
- See the good in people first, but be willing to see what else is there.
- My struggle does not negate my privilege.
- Never done learning. Learn by reading, doing, seeing, traveling, experiencing, writing, living, and…
- Take risks. Learn from the outcomes.
- Creativity comes in many different forms.
- Appreciation and gratitude practice can shift one’s mood.
- Practices are called practices because we need to keep at them. Writing practice, meditation practice, etc. Keep practicing and enjoy the imperfections, joys, and frustrations along the way.
- Share wisdom you have, but do not be offended if it is not heeded.
- Do not compare yourself to others. It is a trap of perception, judgement, and often not knowing the full story.
- Find the things that you love doing and make time to do them.
- Remember, there is always choice.
- Pain is meant to be felt, but suffering is chosen.
- Stay curious.
- Pauses are powerful. Take a moment and breathe.